Why you shoud have your floor
professionally fitted?



Whoever you choose to fit your floor will be ultimately responsible for making sure the site conditions and the wood itself conform to British Standard 8201:2011 which is the code of practice for installation of wood flooring and wood-based panels. Suppliers of wooden flooring products often pay lip service to BS 8201:2011 but are rarely responsible when things go wrong.

By choosing a company that complies with BS 8201:2011 not only do they, the company, have peace of mind but equally importantly so do you, the client.


Our staff are all fully trained to look out for uneven sub floors, damp floors, newly plastered rooms and other site conditions that could adversely effect the successful installation of a new wooden floor. If we have any concerns when we come to survey your home, we will arrange for the installation team to visit and carry out a full site survey. At this survey we will check the levels of the sub floor, the moisture content of the existing sub floor, the moisture content of plastered walls and air relative humidity using the latest equipment.

While we are there we will also remeasure the entire job just to be on the safe side. If any of our readings or measurements are outside those set out in BS 8201:2011 we will liaise with the client or with the clients builder to advise how site conditions can be brought within BS 8201:2011.

On the first morning of installation we will again take moisture readings of the sub floor, the walls, the wooden floor and we will again measure air relative humidity. We will never fit a new wooden floor until we are satisfied that all conditions are as they should be.

For additional peace of mind we can also install devices to monitor the site conditions after the installation is complete. These small devices are fitted on the underside of the wooden floor and will measure the moisture being given off by the sub floor and the temperature of the sub floor over a period of 8-10 years. This device has been likened to an airplane black box recorder. For more information on this product please visit https://www.humiditydevices.co.uk/

Turgon offer a full supply and fit service for those customers looking for full peace of mind, and because we follow the strictest guidelines they are fully guaranteed. If there is ever a problem with the floor you only need to speak to Turgon and we will make a site visit as soon as possible to investigate the reasons. Most issues with floors are due to incorrect maintenance of site conditions or incorrect maintenance of the surface finish. Whatever the issue we are always there to help.

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